MOK is a cultural center in Mysłowice city, where the volunteering project will take place. The project is financed by European Commision under European Solidarity Corps Progarmme.
If interested, please fill the Application Form in English: Application-form_FRSP_MOK 2 and send it with your CV to Marcin Germanek: In the e-mail title please write: “MOK 2”
MOK is a territorial unit of culture, operating in the city of Myslowice. We have 7 operating branches in individual districts of the city, in which the statutory activities are carried out. These branches are subordinated
under the headquarters located in the center of Mysłowice. In our institution you can find a wide range of permanent activities – about 100 different proposals, which aim to propagation of one, timeless idea: creative and active spending of free time. A wide range of of cultural events – concerts, theater performances, film screenings, meetings with interesting personalities – reaches the inhabitants of the reaches out to inhabitants of the whole Silesian province.
- Country: Poland
- Organization: MOK
- Degrees they can apply: bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and graduate students can apply
- Period: 6 months
- Who can apply? Students of all nationalities
- Application Deadline: 16.06.2024
Benefits provided by the scholarship
This scholarship offers many different benefits, which you can learn about below:
- travel expenses – 360,00 EUR or 275,00 EUR (depends on a travel distance)
- accommodation – The volunteers will be accommodated in a shared flat in Mysłowice. Each of the volunteers has his/her own room. The flat consists of 3 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom. It is fully equipped. The flat is located aroun 30 min by bus to the MOK’s headquarters but to some brunches only 15 min by bus or 3 min walking.
- food – 120,00 EUR / month
- pocket money – 150,00 EUR / month
- public transport tickets – in the city
- Polish language course at the dedicated by European Commision online platform EU Academy
- insurance
- help of local mentor and project’s coordinators
Proposed activities
- Activities in MOK branches – The MOK Branches Department deals with work in The Branches Department is responsible for the work of the branches in the area, where permanent activities for all age groups take place. Volunteers get acquainted with the work in particular branches, located in 7 city districts. The activities will be directed to kids, youngsters and adults;
- Running volunteer’s native language / English speaking clubs for local community;
- help in organizing events with MOK (concerts: alternative, jazz, choral, jam sessions, theater performances, events: for children , and families, workshops, etc);
- Running extra classes / workshops for children e.g. graphics, photography, film-making, music, cooking, sports, board games, supporting in homework (it is up to volunteer’s skills);
- implementation of joint socio-cultural projects (may include publications);
- empowering the local community e.g.: organized murals, celebration of events such as potato baking day, St. Martin’s Day celebration, Children Day, Senior Day etc.;
- assistance in promoting events – participation in videos and other activities to promote joint events, preparation posters, posters, photos, happenings);
- Information meetings about the Erasmus +, European Solidarity Corps Programmes and volunteering projects, in different schools and Universities, during special and cyclical events;
- Present your country and your project in schools, promotional campaigns and at festivals in the region or on special cultural evenings;
- Help in office work (archiving the documents; project management and documentation; updating website and social media (FB, Tik Tok and INSTAGRAM); visual documentation of projects and events: photography, film, music videos; Blog);
- Organize your own special event according to the original idea;
- Prepare your own cultural or cultural-artistic project – your own element may or may not be isolated , may be an element of the whole in a joint venture. Depends on the predisposition of the volunteer.
Documents required to apply for the Scholarship
You must prepare the following documents to use in applying for this grant. The required documents are:
- Fill out the application for the grant
- CV
- Motivation Letter